Hey there! I know, it's been a while since my last post. But hopefully the usefulness (to some) of this post will make up for it. Here are some diet tips I am loving right now that provide that much-needed mid-February boost when your New Years resolution resolve is running on low...
1. ROAST! Seriously, crank your oven up to 400, drizzle a little cold pressed extra virgin olive oil on your favorite vegetable... chopped or whole... and make:
-kale chips
-beet chips
-sweet potato fries
the possibilities are endless!
2. Cinnamon - a little goes a long way and this flavoring will add spice without calories to any dish!
3. Butter Lettuce: Ditch the wraps and instead opt for this healthy, crunch alternative. The leaves are pliable and can bend around just about anything, so get creative in the kitchen with this one!
4. Substitute ice cream with fage yogurt (full fat) + 1 teaspoon maple syrup + 1/2 teaspoon vanilla extract (if you want some vanilla flavor) OR 1 tbsp cocoa powder (if you want some chocolate flavor. Healthy and delicious!
5. For dessert, have a SMALL piece of rich, complex dark chocolate (75% cocoa and above) either plain or flavored (e.g. with chilis, sea salt etc.) Relish in the unique flavors, taste every last bit of it and you'll feel full without having ingested the 500+ calories in a typical dessert!
Have any more diet tips that you just LOVE? Add them here, always love your comments!
HAVE A HAPPY VALENTINE'S DAY! And if you're single, don't think of this as the ultimate couples' holiday of doom... remember to celebrate love of all kinds today! : )