Isn't there something oddly creepy about this picture? Who actually enjoys slaving away in a kitchen? Or better question: who has the time? I have to admit, this post was inspired by an episode of "Everyday Italian" where Giada explains how a quick and easy meal is always a better option than anything you can squirt or splatter out of a can. Now, I've been a fan of this philosophy for years, but I think having a celebrity chef articulate it just solidified exactly what my point of view on the issue is. So here's the bottom line: Everyone has those days, heck some people have them every day, when you just don't have time to get anything done, (but everyone wants/expects you to be able to do it ALL...yes I'm looking at all you gorgeous working moms and inspiring career people...) and so you open up the can of tuna, splash in some mayo, or take out some soup from the can, add hot water to some Ramen noodles and call it a day. BUT.... have you ever stopped to think that with a well-stocked (but equally cost-effective) pantry, you can use that same time that it took to heat up the soup, (let's say ten minutes,) to whip up a fresh, healthier, significantly less preservatives-ridden meal? Well, stop and think about it now, then!
Here, check this out:
1 frozen pizza might cost you $7? $8 if it's organic? But stocking your pantry with frozen chicken, (often $5.99 for a breast,) or some peppers and mushrooms, (significantly less than $8, even if you buy both,) and using garlic and spices you already should have in any well-equipped kitchen, you have yourself the makings of a delicious, fast meal. Don't believe me? Here, try this recipe and discover for yourself....
A QUICK [insert protein or hearty vegetable here] Dinner!
Ingredients (roughly)
1 protein or hearty vegetable
All purpose flour
Some cold pressed extra virgin olive oil
Garlic cloves
1 shallot or 1 onion (or not if you don't have it... garlic alone will suffice...)
Onion powder
Cayenne pepper (optional)
Salt and Pepper
Chicken or Vegetable Stock (or even leftover consume soup from last night...)
That wine your 3rd cousin gave you that you're not sure what to do with
1. If you are using a protein: Place some flour in a bowl, add cayenne pepper, salt, black pepper, onion powder or whatever spices you have on hand to add flavor to your protein. Dredge protein in this flour mixture.
1. If you are using a protein: skip the flour step.
2. Slice a shallot and chop a few cloves of garlic and add to skillet with olive oil until you smell the garlic-y, shallot-y (yes we're making up words here people, this recipe is THAT cutting edge...) aromatics
3. Place in protein or vegetable and allow to cook on both sides (VERY important if this is a protein,) and then add about 1/2 cup chicken or vegetable stock and then an equal amount of wine, (make sure that the flame is off when you add the wine or you could have a fire on your hands which is definitely not time or cost saving....)
4. Allow sauce to reduce to 1/3 amount (or until it reaches your desired consistency, this should take about the same amount of time it would take for a canned soup to get hot in a pot...)
5. EAT! Now wasn't that simple and way better than probably-seven-year-old-tomato glop or hard-turned-soft-with-hot-water (gross the more you think about it) noodles? Yep. I though so. Now stop reading this and go cook, you could've had an entire chicken dish prepared by now! (Plus, as an added bonus, don't mention how quick and easy the recipe was to your meal enjoy-ees and you will win serious bonus points for being an all around kitchen superstar.... Ah and wait! Added bonus #2, when the flavors are allowed to blend together overnight, it will taste even more delicious the next day!)
Much love,
PS As always, your lovely feedback is deeply encouraged :)
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